Artist Statement
In my art, I practice the displacement of core elements of life and offer alternative ways of interacting with them in relation to specific sites and family folklore.
The direct use of my body is the source of my creative process. The sea is simultaneously a local and universal body and space and the plant world is a signifier of culture and territory, that raises questions about what an organism needs to stay alive. In my works, I use personification as a tool for undermining physical, biological, social and political norms.
With a direct connection to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and specific interest in land and landscape, I put a question mark over the concept of "ownership" as a yes/no fact and research the concept of "identifying with" as a broad, all-inclusive emotional experience.
My process begins in observation-based interaction with specific sites and stories, leading to theoretical, historical and material research, resulting in video, performance, two-dimensional works and installations made of found objects and organic materials.
While performing artistic actions both in the gallery and in the public sphere, in my participatory projects I offer "off grid" spaces that aspire to re-appropriate the space and evoke notions of solidarity and support of a multi-cultural society on its deepest level.